Things we see and do.

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Wednesday 17 August 2011

Wheat harvest.

Chatting to the farmer that owns the field that got fired last week, he was miles away at Hemmingfield when it happened, he could see the smoke knew what it was, but did not know it was his crop that was going up in smoke until later that day.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

£20,000 worth of wheat goes up in smoke.

Let children loose with matches and this is what you get.

A view of the field from the other side of the valley.

Beating out a fire is donkey work.

Corned Beef bites back.

Last Saturday I was really enjoying a corned beef and tomato sandwich so much, I forgot my golden rule not to chomp down on them. I have done it before split a tooth eating corned beef, and have had to have it removed. Oops I've done it again, I've had to have another tooth out today, this is the third tooth I've lost this way. Those Brazilians have a lot to answer for, it just takes one little piece of bone to be left in the meat and that's it.

Sunday 7 August 2011

Fun in the sun.

Outside Huddersfield Railway Station.
Harold Wilson, luckily for my generation he was not a war monger and refused to be drawn into the Vietnam war.

The newly refurbished walkway and fountains in front of the station, the Yorkshire paving stones are imported from China.

This is the fun in the sun bit, you can get a good soaking but you can't drown.

Practicing surfboard moves!

Saturday 6 August 2011

Inside Sheffield Cathedral.

A Cathedral of two halves, new and old coming together in a beautiful light.

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Busses, Trains and Trams.

Sheffield Cathedral, not all that impressive.

South Yorkshire public transport is second to none.
It is by far the easiest option when traveling to Sheffield. We take the car to Meadowhall 'Park and Ride', then choose whether to take the tram or train into Sheffield. The weather being the governing factor. If it's raining it's definitely the tram, Meadowhall to the Cathedral stop this is directly opposite the bus stop that takes us on the final leg of our journey.
The train station is about a ten minute walk from the City centre, but if the weather's good it's a pleasant walk to the bus stop.

Not the bus we catch.

Sheffield Railway Station.

Below, the inside of the Supertram.

Supertram outside Hillsborough Bus Station.

I've been idle.

I have never before let my spark plugs get in such a state, the one on the left is almost burnt away, the one on the right is OK. Years ago I doubt the one on the left would have sparked. Modern cars are fantastic the only thing wrong with them is they are almost impossible for the layman to maintain, nowadays it's all diagnostics and computer programing. The one job you can do is change the plugs, and I have left it for over a fortnight to do it, I must have been running on three cylinders most of that time. Years ago with the old ignition system it was automatic to change the plugs and points just before winter set in, because in those days it was hit or miss whether the car would start or not on a cold morning, now with electronic ignition no such problem. Must remember plugs wear out.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Strawberry growing.

Multiplying your strawberry plant is easy, just take a runner with the tiny plant on, leave it connected to the mother plant.

Make a peg and peg it down on the ground or into a pot of compost and let it take root.

When it's taken root ( in 4 or 5 weeks ) cut the umbilical cord that's connecting it to the mother plant. There are lots of plant that show on the same runner, so I peg three plants down then nip the end of the runner to encourage healthy growth in the three young plants.

A stawberry bed lasts around three years then it must be moved to another part of the garden.