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Monday 9 May 2011

Things in the Greenhouse.

Another year starts.

I bought these two tomato plants at the beginning of April, they were
about 10" high. It was a trial really I did not think they would survive
without heating anyway they have and the first trusses are flowering.

These two tomato plants I bought a fortnight ago about 3" high, they are
now about a foot high, ready for potting on.

These are some onions I have grown from seed another trial, I use sets
normally. I have loads of onions growing in the allotment, all from sets
just to be on the safe side. I'll transplant these seedling next week.

These are my leeks, I always grow these from seed. There's something us
northerners have in our blood about growing leeks we're fanatical about

This is my grape vine, the start of my wine making empire.

All the above photos were taken Yesterday the 8th May.

The same pots today 9th May, what a difference a day makes. These are
my pumpkins my only cash crop, Halloween is good to me it pays the
allotment rent.

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