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Wednesday 10 November 2010

Winter veg.

This is only the second time I have grown sprouts, the first time I
tried the sprouts blew. That put me off, they are a long time growing
to have nothing to show at the end of it. Anyway this year I just put
them in and left them to do their own thing, no special care and here
they are. I took some home to have with our dinner, they were FAB
much tastier than supermarket ones.

In front of the sprouts are my parsnips. The allotment looks a bit of a
mess, I don't do winter digging or tidying. In my view it's just making
work if I tidy up now it will still want doing in the spring, so why do it

These are my leeks camouflaged with weeds.

This is the path leading to the allotments, soon it will be knee deep in sludge.

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