Things we see and do.

See us on You Tube.

Monday 4 October 2010

There and back again.

The weather forecast; dull at first brightening up later.
Not quiet right but near enough, misty with drizzle is
what we got.

The mist did start to lift but the rain hung on a bit.

Up one side and down the other, this is the Lake District
ups and downs.

This May we walked all the way across the bottom of
this valley, it was as dry as a bone, it was the driest Spring
the area had had in years.

Looking back towards the road we have just walked down.

Our Steven my walking mate and camera man.

Nearing the end of an eight mile hike. The rain did stop,
but it always looked as though it was going to start again,
so we kept our waterproofs on.

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