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Sunday 16 May 2010

Is there a problem Jen?

I've noticed the new look and new header, hope you
have not gone private I would really miss your blog
if you did. So if you have I would really REALLY
like to be a member of the team.

Thanks, all's well that ends well!!

1 comment:

  1. No not at all. I've just changed some things. I am still public and if I ever went private I would surely let you know. I'm glad you follow my blog.

    About the women and men post, sorry but I removed it. After I read it again it sounded silly to me. Don't worry, you didn't miss anything.

    Sorry my good vs evil blog was so vague. It was just about some people who rented a house of ours and thrashed it and then wanted to sue us because we held their deposit money. They became very threatening and I really felt like it wasn't worth it. We ended up giving there deposit back because they turned out to be crazy. And who knows what crazy people are capable of.... Reallly bad couple of weeks dealing with them. But its over now and I feel much better.

    Hope you are well. Jenifer
