Things we see and do.

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Thursday 21 January 2010

Magpie nest.

9/3/10 Chance to admire the job.
6/3/10. Two months and still building.
9/02/10. These birds must be in a union, they only work a four hour
day then they disappear at 12 noon.

2. A new year and a new home.
This is a Magpies nest in the tree at the bottom of our garden,
usually they build in Hawthorn bushes/trees, not in trees as
easy to climb as this one. I hope they have made a good job of
securing it, if not the March gales will blow it away. When I was
a boy I saved birds eggs, this nest would have been easy to raid.
It's illegal now to even own the collection I had, my dad threw
the whole collection in the dustbin when the law was passed.
What a waste!!!

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