Things we see and do.

See us on You Tube.

Thursday 21 January 2010

Magpie nest.

9/3/10 Chance to admire the job.
6/3/10. Two months and still building.
9/02/10. These birds must be in a union, they only work a four hour
day then they disappear at 12 noon.

2. A new year and a new home.
This is a Magpies nest in the tree at the bottom of our garden,
usually they build in Hawthorn bushes/trees, not in trees as
easy to climb as this one. I hope they have made a good job of
securing it, if not the March gales will blow it away. When I was
a boy I saved birds eggs, this nest would have been easy to raid.
It's illegal now to even own the collection I had, my dad threw
the whole collection in the dustbin when the law was passed.
What a waste!!!

Friday 15 January 2010

The snow has almost gone.

Today the temperature is just above freezing,
it's raining, things are getting back to normal!
We have just had 28 consecutive nights below
freezing, that's the longest spell since 1963.

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Black ice day.

The roads and pavements are treacherous with ice.
The local hospitals A&E units (ER) have been pulled
out with patients suffering fall injuries.

Monday 11 January 2010

Our first venture this year.

Una made two new year resolutions 11 years ago. One to give blood
the other for us to get passports. The first time she went to give blood
she was told she had a rare blood group and that it would be better
for them to hold her in reserve. So she only goes when they send for her.
That is the reason it's taken so long for her to get to the ten mark.
She also had to stop giving blood for two years after we had a car
accident. We were rear ended and Una finished up on medication for
two years, but she's back to normal now thankfully.
Now for the passports, we got them and used them twice.
First to Paris (We didn't like it), then to Germany the Rhine Valley.
That place is magical it's a fairytale land (We loved it).
We never used the passports again, they ran out last year.
We renewed them and tried Paris again doing our own thing (we loved it).
The time before was an organized tour much too hectic!

Sunday 10 January 2010

Signs of a thaw.

Is it wishful thinking? There is signs of a thaw with a
threat of more snow on its way. So far we have had
23 continuous nights of subzero temperatures. We have
never spent so much time around the house, we are prisoners
of the snow. It's not wise to go far for fear of being snowbound.

Today Monday 11th. The snow has thinned down from 5"deep to
just over an inch. The roads around here are clear and wet

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Back with a vengance.

8am this morning.

It started to snow at 6-30am and as not stopped all day.
Perhaps we are getting the seasons back, it must be thirty
years since we had a winter like this one.

Friday 1 January 2010


The cold spell continues last night it was 20'F.