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Thursday 17 September 2009

Planting. 06-09-09.
Two weeks ago the farmer was harvesting wheat from this field,
now he's planting oilseed rape. Farming is not the same as it was
when I was a lad. They used to grow kale, mangles, suger beet, turnips,
swedes, barley, oats, wheat, and potatoes, now it's just wheat and rape.
Today I flagged him down to pick his brains, I wondered why some of my
potatoes had insect damage but farm potatoes don't. The answer is they
spray them every 7 days, and that's the reason they don't grow tates
anymore. He said it costs £1200 an acrea to grow potatoes, it's not worth
the trouble. When I was a boy where I live now was all fields there were
5 farms all within shouting distance of one another, now there are none,
this farmer comes from Clayton 10 miles away.

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