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Monday 28 September 2009

A go on the wheel.

A ride on the Sheffield Wheel.
Sheffield Town Hall.

Thursday 17 September 2009

Tomatoes. year as been a poor year for tomatoe growing. No one I've spoke to have done much with them. That is the Rotherham area, I can't speak for anywhere else.


This year as been a great year for pumpkins and soft fruits.
I've never done so well!

Rotherham show. (at Rawmarsh this year)

More than 70,000 people packed Rosehill Park for the 30th Rotherham Show.
It was on for two days 12&13 September it was a good do!
We saw lots of old mates and did plenty of talking.

Butlins 07-09-09.

I've never known Skegness so hot, had a good time once again.

Planting. 06-09-09.
Two weeks ago the farmer was harvesting wheat from this field,
now he's planting oilseed rape. Farming is not the same as it was
when I was a lad. They used to grow kale, mangles, suger beet, turnips,
swedes, barley, oats, wheat, and potatoes, now it's just wheat and rape.
Today I flagged him down to pick his brains, I wondered why some of my
potatoes had insect damage but farm potatoes don't. The answer is they
spray them every 7 days, and that's the reason they don't grow tates
anymore. He said it costs £1200 an acrea to grow potatoes, it's not worth
the trouble. When I was a boy where I live now was all fields there were
5 farms all within shouting distance of one another, now there are none,
this farmer comes from Clayton 10 miles away.

Thursday 3 September 2009

Red Squirrel.

The first and only Red squirrel I have seen in the wild. This one I spotted near Keswick Cumbria.
They have almost been wiped out in the UK by the American Grey Squirrel.
The American grey is much larger and more aggressive than the red squirrel.