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Tuesday 8 January 2019

From screening to surgery.

Samples taken over three days, then posted of on the 01/10/18.
Result, something was amiss so an appointment was made for me to visit
Mexborough Montagu hospital. 23/10/18.

From there I was referred to Barnsley Hospital to have a colonoscopy. 07/11/18.
The day of every check up you are assured that you will be told the results of the
tests good or bad.
On this visit the oncologist found a large Polyp at the far end of my bowel, she
pointed it out on the screen. She had seen lots and said it needed surgery though it was not cancer it could possibly grow larger and block my bowel.
A biopsy was taken to confirm it was not cancer.

11/12/18. Rotherham General Hospital. I then had to have another examination, colonoscopy by the surgeon for him to assess the size of the job to be done at a later day at Doncaster.

03/01/19 Doncaster Royal Infirmary d day.
Today I had the Polyp removed, it was an hour long operation and totally painless. I had to stay in over night for observation on a water only diet.
The next morning I was examined and allowed breakfast and to go home.

At all of the time I had the polyp I never felt that I has one, if I had not done the screening test I would never had known and it could have turned into cancer.

09/01/19. 10.30 am I have just had a phone call to confirm that my polyp was taken out in three parts has it was so large and all parts were cancer free.
I have to go back to D.R.I. on the 6th,7th,or 8th of February for an X ray on my abdomen to check that a stent has passed through my bowel or not.
The stent was put in to keep my bowel open incase it swelled up and closed due to the operation. Generally it takes around five weeks for it to travel through the bowel, if it doesn't it has to be removed by the surgeon.