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Thursday 11 February 2016

Out with the old.

16th November 2015. The start of the demolition of the old council officers in Barnsley, the building in the centre of the photo.
A crowd gathering outside the bus station to see the first moves, the Mayor of Barnsley can be seen among them.   Before the event started there was a firework display which many people including me think was in bad taste. We were in the indoor market knew nothing about what was going off when suddenly all that could be heard was lots of repeat bangs like machine gun fire, this was only days after the atrocities that had gone on in Paris, half the market traders were unaware of what was happening.

Crunch. Cuts through concrete like a knife through butter.

I have been told this machine cost £4,500 a day to use and £2,500 when it stands idle.

Una soon loses interest in the demolition work. The multistory car park we are on is due to come down March 2016 along with the indoor market.  
The building with the tower is the car park above the indoor market, the next thing to go.
8/12 /15.


The large digger is on the move to the other end of the building.
Another approach 25/1/16 work is well on the way.
5/2/16. the last day of work, the machine is to be off site tomorrow.
The sky is blue but it is a cold day 38'F
Another market day, the building is almost down. It is going to be replaced with a temporary market hall which is supposed to open mid March?!?! So that the demolition of the car park and indoor market can commence.
I hope I am wrong but I think this will be the end for Barnsley.
Wakefield and Sheffield both had fantastic markets, the planers moved in knocked them down replaced them with smaller more expansive units but they have never taken off, the change killed them off.
                                                             GROUND ZERO 12/03/16

The next place to go is where I am standing, the multi storey car park.
Structurally there is nothing wrong with the building all it needs in my opinion is a make over.


Wednesday 10 February 2016

Ford make good exhausts.

I had the exhaust and catalytic converter changed yesterday to my surprise it was the original one from new.
It had done 97,547 miles, better than that it is 16 years old. I will be lucky if I get 3years out of the replacement.