Things we see and do.

See us on You Tube.

Sunday 25 December 2016

Christmas Day 2016

Christmas day morning, we were all in the front room opening presents when suddenly my eye felt funny. `Checked it out in the mirror, it was just a bloody mess. 
Our Steven took me straight to the A&E department at Rotherham General Hospital to get it checked out. It was just a burst blood vessel nothing to worry about, told it would go away in a week or so.
It was the shortest wait in in the A&E I have ever known usually anything takes at least four hours, this time we were on our way home at 5 past 12.
Arrival time just for the record.

Monday 5 December 2016


one day last week

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Tonights visitors. Hedgehogs.

Walking aid.

 My legs ache when I walk a distance.This rollator with a seat is a God send.
This PMR thing is a bit annoying hopefully it will have gone away after another 12 or 18 months.

Tuesday 1 November 2016

transferring photos to my tab3.

Halloween 2016 115 visitors young and older, everyone was in fancy dress it has really caught on over here.

Friday 30 September 2016

I do not know why.

I have not blogged for almost two months there is not a particular reason I think I have been too busy and not had much time to sit at the computer.

I think facebook is so much quicker and a better way to keep in touch with friends.

Saturday 30 July 2016

July photos only.

Brodsworth Hall Doncaster.

Doncaster Minster.

Nostel Priory gardens.

Midway through July my green house and flower beds.

New solar powered fountain.

Inside Nostel Priory House on another day after the garden visit.

The ceilings are magnificent.

Harvest time Brierley Common.
July is over everything is in full colour.