Things we see and do.

See us on You Tube.

Friday 28 November 2014

Colour for Christmas.

 I could not resist taking a photo of this girls hair, so colourful.

 Rotherhams Christmas lights.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Ken Dodd Show.

Sunday night we went to see Ken Dodd show at the Lyceum Theatre Sheffield.
Kenn Dodd is/was one of the greats, but he is 87 and passed it.
He was a quick witted comedian in the past but now he stumbles and has no speed in delivering his jokes. I hope I forget Sunday nights performance and remember him as he was in the past GREAT.
An audience with Ken Dodd on You Tube 1994 is a good watch.

To cap it all when we came out of the show it was pouring with rain. On the bright side it had cleared the fog away.

Sunday 9 November 2014

Remembrance Sunday.

The Cenotaph Swinton South Yorkshire.

 The remembrance service.
 Una airing her fathers war medals, one day a year they see daylight.
 Remembrance day wreaths.

Friday 7 November 2014

New York Stadium.

The stadium derived its name from the Guest and Chrimes steel factory that once stood at the site, and which used to manufacture the fire hydrants for the city of New York.

We had only gone to the club shop to buy something with the club logo on for Unas brothers Christmas present a scarf.
Luckily for us someone had left a door open so we sneaked in and took some photos.

 Some remnants of the old Guest and Chrimes works can be seen in the background of the photo.

First frost.

The first night frost this winter.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Halloween 2014.

 All ready for the trick or treaters.

  The youngest visitor.

Last year he was in a push chair (stroller).
This year he is Chucky.

5pm to 8pm nonstop visitors, luckily we had sweets for all and some left over for us!
All finished for another year.