Things we see and do.

See us on You Tube.

Thursday 28 February 2013

Last day of February. Our Stuarts 40th.

The album, Stuarts present from our Steven he's spent hours sorting slides, negatives and photos designing then finally getting it printed.

Forty years is not over in a flash, it's not just a book with forty pages. It is forty years.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Some things that have taken my eye.

Late January. Rosehill Park.
Yates's Wine Lodge Sheffield.

Work in progress, can't make my mind up whether or not to cut it down.
Waiting for some nice weather! Riverside walk Rotherham.
Mid February night strolls.
Half Term. A very chilly Monday morning. Market square Rotherham.
The next bus.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Night visitors.

I like cats they keep the rat and mouse population in check.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

The old faithfulls.

This year I will be planting all these good standbys along with something different I'm not sure what but something I've not grown before.
I have not bought the seed yet for my cabbage, sprouts and pumpkins.

I fancy getting a couple of chicken this year but I think they are a little too tying, they need tending everyday which will stop me roaming. That's it I've just talked myself out of that idea!