Things we see and do.

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Thursday 26 April 2012

One week and a day.

It looks much worse than it is, there has been very little pain none at all from the joints. Though my legs have felt like tree trunks swelled and stiff, now they are back to size everything feels better. 
Everyday is an improvement on yesterday, though come to think of it I have the best nurse in the world I might stretch it out as long as I can.  

Saturday 21 April 2012

Knee Operation Day 4

I am now back at home. I was able to walk up a flight of stairs in the hospital. This showed that I was fit enough to be discharged. I got back at 5pm. There's no place like home.

Friday 20 April 2012

Knee Operation Day 3

Today I was able to walk with crutches for the first time. I walked down the corridor and back.
When Una and Steven came to visit I was able to show how I had improved in a day.

I had a surprise visit from my younger brother Joseph.

Thursday 19 April 2012

Knee Operation Day 2

Today I had the IV tube and ice packs etc removed and could see my post op knees for the first time. Everything looks okay. The nurses stood me up and I had to walk using a Zimmer Frame. It caused a little bit of bleeding in one knee, but apparently that is quite common. Una and one of my oldest friends, Tex, visited in the evening.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

The Second Big Day of the week arrives

Had my knee replacement surgery today. Arrived at hospital by 7.15am. I was the first on the list for the day. I'll write a more in-depth account when I get home. Everything went well and I was back in my ward by 3pm. Una and Steven came to visit in the evening.

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Tomorrow is a big day.

Tomorrow's another big day for me, will write about that next week when I get out of hospital.

Yesterdays fantastic news.

Yesterday I went for the results of my blood test, it has been six months since my radiotherapy treatment. My PSA has gone down from 16 to 0.8, This means at this moment in time my prostate cancer has gone, I've been given the all clear!!!! I am now thanking all my Mormon friends in California, Utah, Texas and Baku Azerbaijan for remembering me in there prayers. I am not a praying type person but it has been very very uplifting knowing someone was praying for me THANK YOU ONE AND ALL. Dave

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Cavity wall insulation.

Drilling and Filling


Filling the cavity with Rockwool.

£500 worth of drill.
A job left to the professionals, cavity wall insulation.
The carpet fitters are coming next week and that's it, job done. Una and I will be alone at last!
This is the end of 4 months work, now back to freedom and living again.