Things we see and do.

See us on You Tube.

Sunday 25 September 2011

My last trip to WPH.

Follow my trip on You Tube> Tram ride to Sheffield. by sandoiler.

Tuesday 20 September 2011


The first dentist smashed the tooth off and left the root in.

The remains of my tooth that the first dentist could not remove on the 15th August, she was hoping that the gum would heal over it. After a month I decided it was time to go back and let someone have another go at removing it, this time it was successful. I can now eat at that side of my mouth. I was not in pain just uncomfortable, feels great now.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Sheffield today.

The peace gardens Sheffield.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

7.1/2 weeks, done and dusted.

Outside Sheffield Railway Station.

All these weeks and only had three days with rain, today, yesterday, and last Friday. Must be some sort of record!

Treatment completed; The reaction from the treatment will go on for a further six weeks, things will come back to normal in six months time.
So far I have had no ill effects or side effects from the treatment. Thinks I have been very lucky.

Thursday 1 September 2011

September 1st.

Grey mornings, bright days, evenings are turning colder summer's almost over!
It's been a good summer if not a little too dry for the allotment. We've had plenty of sun but it's not been very hot, not as hot as some years. September and October are generally good months, usually it's an Indian Summer. Then it starts, Dark Nights the misery of winter. I think I will fly South with the birds or follow the sun for three months (if only).