Things we see and do.

See us on You Tube.

Saturday 26 February 2011

Another rainy shopping day.

Someone please send us some SUN!!!!!!!!!!!
Rainwear is so ungamely.
Our Steven found a mobile phone by the roadside, it was in three pieces
and wet through. He brought it home dried it out, then contacted the owner.

A coincidence.

Returning a phone is simple.
Check the contacts list, look for mother or some other family member.
Ring that person, tell them where the phone is, and where they can
pick it up. Make a stranger HAPPY.
It doesn't cost a penny.

The couple were from Southampton, on a visit to Sheffield.

Advice !!!!
Everyone should put an ICE number on there phone.
In Case of Emergency,
ICE 1 spouse ***********
ICE 2 son/ daughter ***********
ICE 3 mother/ father ***********

Friday 25 February 2011

Salsa footware.

Una keeps fit by doing aerobics three times a week. Now she is into Salsa,
and needed new shoes, some with very little grip so that she can glide
across the floor. The black pair on her right, third row from the bottom were perfect.

JJB Sports, Retail World Parkgate.

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Everyday life.

Our local pharmacy.

Una has the chair again. Honestly she could talk for England!

Our local pharmacist. Only too pleased to have his photo taken, surrounded
by his empire.

Friday 18 February 2011

The first signs of Spring.

Snowdrops, the beginning of a new year. From here it all gets better.

Friday 11 February 2011

In Short, things we've done lately.

We had my brother Robert round for dinner, his wife was laid up in
hospital with a broken big toe, a compound fracture no less.

Dropped across Una's cousins, it's amazing who you see when you go
walking. We only see cousins once in a blue moon, so there's always a
lot to catch up on.

Pub grub.

Consultation. Leave well enough alone! We'll keep an eye on the PSA level.

Rosehill Park. Tea time walks.

Walking round Rawmarsh shopping and talking.
May Griffiths age 92 waiting for the bus, off to play Bingo at Swinton.
She's a very fit lady for her age.

Barnsley pub.

My dentist, after he had filled one of my teeth. He's retiring in March.

Called round to an old workmates house.
He has a new dog, a chocolate Springer Spaniel.
Tex my mate has a story to tell, but that's his story.

Tuesday 1 February 2011