Things we see and do.

See us on You Tube.

Thursday 29 April 2010

A walk with the dog.

Five minutes from the front door and we are in the countryside.
This is our Blue he's been a good dog in his day, but now he is a
bit deaf, or he is turning into an old man and takes no notice
of what you say! Anyway he is still very fit and loves to walk.


In one of the shops I spotted this chap, he was so colourful I
couldn't resist asking if I could take his photo.
We're not backwards at coming forwards in Yorkshire.

Mute Swan on the canal.

This stretch of water is mine.

Wednesday 28 April 2010

An extraordinary ordinary day.

Eight supermarkets plus Marks and Spencer.
A marathon day. I don't mind shopping, all I do is drive the car, Una does
all the thinking. If it was left to me we'd all starve! Usually it's two
supermarkets, but today there was no PAL dog food to be found,
so off we went in search for some, and at the end of the day we still hadn't
found any.

Tuesday 27 April 2010


A walk by the side of the Chesterfield Canal, starting at Kiveton Park
ending up at Shireoaks. A nice steady four hour walk, these are the
only hills Una does. She'll walk round housing estates all day!

Sunday 25 April 2010

Two pictures of Hell.

This is where I worked at the age 16 to 19. In and out and amongst these
coils of steel. It was hotter than Hell, hard heavy and dangerous work.
The only safety wear provided were gloves and burning goggles.
It was so hot you didn't breath through your nose, because the hot air
burned your nostrils.
When I was 19 to 21 this is where I worked, on the furnace team.
What you can't see on the photo is the noise or the smell or the men
manhandling the 10 cwt billets into the furnace! Or the fact that any
accident in that area was always a bad one ( a lost time one )( hospital job).
I then moved down the mill to the dispatch end where I spent the rest of
my working life ( what did I do wrong to deserve this ). Having said that
I had some great times and some good laughs and some great mates.
On a sadder note since I retired, I've been to the funerals of at least three
mates a year in the 10 years Ive been finished ( that's a lot of mates).
Many of them did not get to 65. The moral is, you just get on with life.
My life is now 100% pleasure (Heaven, I've had the Hell bit).

Before Digital and PC.

If I was to be granted a wish I would wish that digital cameras
and personal computers had been invented 60 years ago.
I would have had some great photos to show and some good
stories to read, as it is they weren't. So here is my story in brief.
Got born.
Started school (age 3).
Left school (age 15).
Got a job.
Got a girlfriend.
Got married.
Got kids.
The End.
I could fill many books on anyone of the above, but to me it is
only the here and now that matters.

Thursday 8 April 2010

At last some colour.

Spring is here, things are starting to bloom again.
The red flower is a camellia, it can easily be mistaken on a photo
for a rose. I don't grow roses I have enough scares on my hands
and arms as it is! Camellias bloom from late March to early May.
When the blooms drop off you are left with a shrub with waxy deep
green leaves.

Wednesday 7 April 2010

Misplaced PC photo disc.

Reading about the missing disc made me wonder, do you not upload your
photos to a web site? I might be teaching my grandma to suck eggs (no
pun intended) but it is well worth doing if you don't.
I upload all my photos to Photoworks there are no limits, it is free to
use and easy. Your photos are always at your fingertips where ever you
are in the world. You can also share your photos with friends and family,
if you know their e-mail address.