Things we see and do.

See us on You Tube.

Thursday 31 December 2009

The last sunset of 2009 over Rawmarsh.

2009 was a good year I hope the year to come is as good.
Good health and happiness to all.

Saturday 26 December 2009

Two inches of snow.

Wentworth village.
A walk from a place called Street, over the tops and back via Wentworth.
Two inches of snow is enough, any more is being greedy.
Me and our Blue, in the background is Elsecar.
Looking over towards Derbyshire.
Wentworth village and church. The snow was right nice and crisp underfoot.

Thursday 24 December 2009

I'm not a snow person!

We got a dusting of snow on the 17th then a little more on the 18th.
Due to the temperatures being low it stayed with us until the 27th.
We've so far had 14 nights on the trot below freezing, with daytime
temps hovering around 32/34'F. The night time temps ranged
between 16/24'F.
It's been the coldest December I can remember for many a year.
I have recorded the top and bottom temperatures for 30 year and
can see no evidence of global warming. I am a layman no one
is funding me.
All the Decembers of the first decade of this century have been colder
then the previous two decades.
December 1992 comes a very close second to this December.

Thursday 17 December 2009

December what a horrible month.

17th Dec 09. I hate the winter. It doesn't get light until 8am and it's
dark again at 4pm. It's cold and damp or raining, the sky's grey
and when the sun does decide to show itself it's so low in the sky it
blinds you when you're driving.
Now to put the top hat on it it's snowing brrrrrrr roll on April.
17/12/09 first snow this winter.